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Juliet Hall

Finish Strong!

By October 24, 20192 Comments

October is almost over. We’re in the 4th quarter of the year with less than 70 days remaining on the 2019-time clock. Some of you reading this blog are on track to achieving your goals. Congratulations to you! Others of you still have a long way to go. And perhaps a remnant of you haven’t revisited your goals since the January kick-off!

No worries…no matter where you fall in the lineup, you still have time to finish strong!

A strong finish to any task is more important than its beginning. A strong finish leaves a lasting impression on others. A strong finish denotes growth, progress and carries momentum into the next season. It builds confidence and perseverance in your character. And isn’t it gratifying to experience the successful completion of something that was important and meaningful to you from the start?

So, if you have fallen short or fumbled, tell yourself that it’s not over yet! Yes, distractions arise and throw you off course. And let’s just keep it real, life happens! We lose focus every now and then. But you have the power and the choice to get your head back in the game. You owe it to yourself to finish what you started, so suit up!

Here are some thoughts on how you might finish 2019 strong:

  • Focus on your game. In other words, play your position. Keep your eyes focused on your purpose, your goals, your life assignment, your playbook. We lose focus when we compare ourselves to others and attempt to emulate their moves. But remember, the people who appear to be the fastest or strongest don’t always win. Those who are steady, who have a strategy and who commit to their game plan score touchdowns.
  • Do a little bit each day. Small progress is better than no progress. Even if you inch your way towards your goal each day, eventually your inching will get there. Don’t put pressure on yourself to throw “Hail Mary” passes. There’s still enough time on the 2019 clock. If you make enough 1st downs, you’re still moving the ball down the field and will get to the end zone before you know it.
  • Get on the scoreboard. Many people start out with a laundry list of goals at the beginning of the year and end up not achieving any of them when the year is over. If this is you, then choose one significant goal that you can focus on and see through for the remainder of 2019. Having achieved at least one important goal is far better than achieving none.
  • Listen to the coach! You define who this is whether it’s a person you trust or the still small voice of God inside of you. Many of us get so deep in our heads that we become obstacles to our own success. Hear the wise counsel that brings you back on track and cheers for your success!

In football, before the play begins, the quarterback may yell, “Down…set…hut!” I encourage you to adopt this same practice for the remainder of 2019. Write it on a sticky and place it on your bathroom mirror. Get down to business, set yourself up for success and hut which means “pay attention” and execute!

Let me know your thoughts! Leave a comment below and share this post with someone who needs encouragement to “get back in the game.” CLICK HERE to join our #OYO Community and be sure to follow me on social media for daily inspirations.

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  • Garry Harris says:

    In keeping with the athletic competition analogy as shown above…when I was in high school I was dubbed by the sports media as ..”Do it All Harris” because I ran not One race but performed Six different track and field events in each competition. practicing and preparing to WIN each event in every competition and in the end-setting Six school records, one for each event.. while keeping my math and science grades up…keeping with this analogy…a STRONG Finish may require more than One or maybe as many as Six different tactics or strategies to cross the Finish Line in First Place..a STRONG Finish must also include ample preparation for the Next Race or Season of Your well. with new equipment, coaching, new strategies and even perhaps a new team… First, Closing the Gap… taking or planning actions to assess who you are now, who or what you say you are or claim to be, and what you want to become..A Champion! deliberately and intentionally becomingly the reality you seek… Second, Claiming Your Aim.. setting the target.. staying on purpose. staying on course..not distracted by the runner in front or back of you.. keeping your head up..and eyes forward and arms pumping ..until you cross the Finish Line…Next SWOT.. Just How Prepared Am I To Win This Race… right shoes, right uniform, right coaching…am I using my strengths, do I have the stamina to win or will I be overcome by my weaknesses or threats, am I missing out on opportunities to come in first place by different strategies or trying a new race or event
    that will move me to the Next Level of competition.. Regionals or State or National events… Next Physical and Mental Toughness.. Finishing STRONG often means rounding that final curve..and having enough energy to finish the race…ie in runner’s talk.. Keeping the Monkey off Your Back..what is your level of mental, physical and spiritual toughness..are your arms tied, are you gasping for breath, are your legs shaky.. spending time getting to finish the race is a prudent tactic and strategy….Next Shifting Imperatives..Finishing STRONG means changing your race tactics and strategy… shifting imperatives in your life to place greater emphasis on those with greater outcomes and long term impacts…Next Just Bring It… Finishing STRONG means mustering all the energy and inner strength you have to meet your late nights, skipping routines, making sacrifices in time and space.. being totally focused on not only winning the race but finishing with a record time.. Finally Fall and Recovery… don’t let a single fall or failure be the determining factor of success for your year…I clearly remember falling during a hurdles race ( 330 intermediate) only to get back up, focus on the finish line and win the race.. missteps will occur in any race… don’t stay down ..get up..and stay focused, stay determined, stay strong and… Never enter a race if you don’t plan on winning a.”Do It ALL!!”.and…See it Through! .

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