It’s the end of the year—that time where we pause for reflection on our wins and losses. We remind ourselves of the resolutions we committed to at the beginning of the year but forgot about before the Super Bowl or Valentine’s Day. We think about the goals we didn’t achieve and give ourselves a little grace because in a few days we have an opportunity for a fresh start.
“I’m gonna do it, this time,” we tell ourselves, just like we did a year ago in December.
Guess what? Resolutions are useless without a firm realization of knowing who you are, what you’ve been born to do, and where you want to go. Once you reconcile these statements with clarity and conviction, you are more likely to stay focused and committed to the goals you set for yourself.
Realize this: Your life is not an accident. When you begin to process the treasures you possess like your natural talents, accomplishments, experiences, exposures, resources, relationships, and ideas, you begin to comprehend the full weight of your value. Wielding your value for the good of humanity is not only connected to your purpose, it is what makes you successful, significant, and ultimately a “badass” standout in life!
For me, the journey to realizing there is a “more” to my life began with an epiphany: There is a difference between your livelihood and your calling (although ideally, it is one and the same):
- Your livelihood is what you are paid to do. Your calling is what you were born to do.
- Your livelihood is a display of your skills, or work performance that satisfactorily meets a company’s objectives. Your calling is a display of your specialization, or work that highlights and maximizes your unique gifts and talents.
- Your livelihood allows others to determine your worth, or your salary potential. Your calling allows you to determine your own worth—there is no cap to your salary potential.
- Your livelihood makes you subject to achieving other people’s dreams and goals. Your calling gives you control to accomplish your own dreams and goals.
- In your livelihood, success is defined by money, titles and comparison. In your calling, success is defined by knowing your life’s meaning and following that path (i.e. OWN YOUR OPPORTUNITIES®).
Your calling is the primary residence of your energy, drive, confidence, passion, prosperity and purpose. Your calling is a natural extension of who you are. The impact you can have with your calling is far greater than the impact you might make with your livelihood. Your calling is your “more.”
Now, what is your new year’s realization? Who do you want to become in 2019 and beyond? What’s keeping you from breaking out of the confinement of systematic conformity and spreading your wings?
Your life is bigger than you think. There is a “more” to your life. You were born to offer your own unique fruit to the world, and the world is waiting on you.
Let 2019 be your breakout year!
- What were you born to do?
- What does a “breakout” year look like for you in 2019? Write it down in a journal or post it on your social media (if you post it, tag me and hashtag #OYO4life).
- What is one small task or activity you can do everyday to help you “breakout” in 2019?
Remember, these realizations are part of our journey to discovering our best selves. I’m glad we’re on the journey together. CLICK HERE to invite other friends to join our #OYO Community and don’t forget to follow me on social media for daily inspirations.
First and Foremost; Great Blog with incredible guidance and content.
Fortunately, my calling or purpose and my livelihood are seamlessly integrated. This provides for the application of the highest energy level, drive, resources, and commitment possible to both the organizational missions and being the ultimate person or individual I can be.
I agree that resolutions are meaningless without deliberate planning and execution necessary to achieve the targets specified.
Further, Resolutions need “care and feeding” in order to grow and mature including minimizing distractions, daily plan review and check-ins; knowledge, skills, and resources; being focused and determined but patience, “claiming the aim and maintaining a singular focus on accomplishing the specified tasks.
Our “resolutions” in order to have meaning must be aligned with our calling deployed through pledges and commitment to achieve.
As a demonstration of this principle here are some examples of pledges and commitments I have formulated for achieving our purpose\mission of the Care for Creation through implement UN Sustainable Development Goal #13 SDG #13 Climate Action in 2020
(1) I commit to a 100% vegetarian diet except in the case food waste generation
(2) I commit to reducing travel by jet aircraft whenever possible
(3) I commit to optimizing choices related to transportation aimed at reducing emissions ( ie., transit, EV, use low emission vehicles, walking , train, bus)
(3) I commit to advancing and expanding the 1.5 Degree Patrol; building on its legacy of successful organizing and mobilizing
(4) I commit to building and revitalizing communities based on Equity, Resilience and Climate Action including Energy for ALL
(5) I commit to advancing high potential climate and clean energy policy and legislation such as the Virginia Green New Deal
(6) I commit to mitigating climate impacts on frontline communities and vulnerable populations by advancing Weather Ready Nation for ALL
(7) I commit to building climate justice resilience in communities through Leadership Development
(8) I commit to empower individuals and communities across the country through the establishment of the National Environmental Justice Academy
(9) I commit to advance the Sustainable Development Goals especially with an emphasis on SDG #13 Climate Action
(10) I commit to advancing and sustaining Climate Action through grassroots and faith based organizations
(11) I commit to Climate Action by building robust and highly functional organizations including the Institute for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy among others
(12) I commit to Climate Action advancing youth, k12 and community science through further implementation by GLOBE throughout the US Southeast (10 states, Two US Territories)
I am excited to develop these goals around climate change as scientists continue to communicate the dire consequences of inadequate attention to the resolution of these matters.
Recently Goldman Sacs, as a model for corporate “Servant Leadership” in these important matters, pledged $750 Billion dollars to help mitigate climate change.
Onward and Upward
Happy Holidays! Lets Do This! Let’s Make Our Resolutions Vibrant and Meaningful in the New Year!
Garry Harris
Sustainability Solutions Group
HTS Enterprise
Center for Sustainable Communities