This blog post is for me—and for any other entrepreneur who needs encouragement today. Sometimes we just have to talk to ourselves, listen to ourselves and encourage ourselves. We have to practice being our own best friend.
A few days ago, I had a moment where I felt this weight of uncertainty. To date, I have invested so much into building my business, and I have high standards. Even with high standards, I get frustrated when I see myself not soaring on a level that I expect for myself. And it’s even more frustrating when I witness others, who seem mediocre, receive numerous opportunities. This is all very humbling to me.
Confounded, I go into my prayer closet and completely break down. I believe God counts my every tear. Each drop is an act of surrender that draws me closer to Him. God, what am I not doing? Am I not being a good steward of my business? Does my drive for excellence even matter if I’m not getting a string of opportunities? Am I on the right path? Will I have to make changes that affect my career goals?
After calming down, I remain lying in the still darkness of my prayer closet and hear this silent whisper in my head: I said your gift would make room for you and put you in the presence of kings. I am building you to be in the presence of giants.
And just like that, the cloud of uncertainty dissipated.
Energized, I get on my feet and leave the closet pondering those words in my head. As my own best friend, I edify myself with these reminders:
- My gift matters. There is something I can do that no one else can, at least not quite like me. I must continue to develop and share my gift with the world.
- Remember that God is my first audience. I must seek to please God first, not people. This is my offering. I will not compromise my standard of excellence in my work.
- Trust the process. Whenever progress feels slow, I will remind myself of Galatians 6:9 which encourages me to “not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.”
With this writing, I am encouraging myself to not lose hope, sight or confidence in my business and myself—because one day my time will come. I must be my own best friend.
1. How do you encourage yourself when you’re feeling low?
2. Have you ever wondered what God had in mind for you when He created you?
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See It Through
When you’re up against a trouble,
Meet it squarely, face to face;
Lift your chin and set your shoulders,
Plant your feet and take a brace.
When it’s vain to try to dodge it,
Do the best that you can do;
You may fail, but you may conquer,
See it through!
Black may be the clouds about you
And your future may seem grim,
But don’t let your nerve desert you;
Keep yourself in fighting trim.
If the worst is bound to happen,
Spite of all that you can do,
Running from it will not save you,
See it through!
Even hope may seem but futile,
When with troubles you’re beset,
But remember you are facing
Just what other women have met.
You may fail, but fall still fighting;
Don’t give up, whate’er you do;
Eyes front, head high to the finish.
See it through!
See it Through …and become the ultimate you….and what God has intended you to be….See it Through! Roo!