I remember being at a tennis match awaiting my turn to play when a former co-worker asked me what I was doing now for a living.
“Juliet, I see you all over social media…your pictures are beautiful—but, what are you actually doing?” She was referring to the photos and posts I use to broadcast my mini-motivational messages.
I flashed her my signature, wide-tooth, Juliet smile thinking I couldn’t really give her an answer that she would understand. How could I? After all, who leaves a good paying job with benefits to pursue something as unknown as being an inspirational storyteller and spokesperson (which I am at heart!)?
I am discovering myself. I have courageously taken the proverbial road less traveled, tapping into my God-given gifts to see and experience with fresh curiosity where that road will lead me. I am unveiling my “Juliet-ness.”
“I’m building my brand,” was the broad—yet intentional—response I gave her, as I skipped toward the court to warm-up for my match.
Our culture places a higher value on what we do (or who we work for) rather than becoming who we are. One offers a false sense of security; the other offers a real sense of freedom.
What we do should be a natural extension of who we are. Work should be redefined as the process of maximizing your human capacity and uniqueness. This process takes time, effort and trial-and-error—i.e., work.
So many people do not know who they really are, where they come from, and why their lives matter.
On this day, reconsider your thinking about what it means to really work. When you know who you are and live in your uniqueness, your light shines brighter and will attract opportunities that make your life more relevant and valuable to your world and others around you.
Let’s Reflect!
Take some time to reflect today!
- Do you believe you were born with gifts? What are they?
- Does the “work” you do feel forced or natural to you?
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Juliet Hall is available to speak and present to your organization on OWN YOUR OPPORTUNITIES™. Click here to request Juliet.